Hello and welcome to beautiful garbage.

brian’s dad

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Character details to come, when I have more time to edit this post.


Posted on 26 August '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.

CG Textures

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Here is a link to CG textures. They provide a lot of really cool textures, among other things, that are useful in designs. If you take a look in the “manmade” folder on the left side of the page, and go down to “garbage containers,” you can view 3 pages of garbage container photos. Something I find interesting for a possible BAGAGP strip, is the container labeled “wet garbage.”


Posted on 18 August '11 by , under Uncategorized. No Comments.

brian ideas

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This isnt so much a serious sketch of brian; never-the-less it is interesting to look at and could spark an idea for a strip idea for sure. maybe some weird imagination story by one of the characters; maybe someone makes a voodoo doll of brian; maybe this is how growlyx sees brian… who knows.  Also in the picture we see a dog, a cat, and gregg standing proud after conquering a garbage can.

Posted on 12 August '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.


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This is a quick sketch i did of gregg.  He is a little more sloppy and skinny. I think it gives him more of a comic “goof” kind of look.


Posted on 12 August '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.

Just a reminder…

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…we’re going places

Posted on 11 August '11 by , under Uncategorized. No Comments.

the 5 finger morning

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I didn’t even realize this until after I was done drawing, but I gave gregg 5 fingers… I don’t think i’ve ever done that before. Other than a new finger, its just another average morning on the route.

Posted on 11 July '11 by , under drawings. 1 Comment.

temporary logo

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temporary logo

temporary digital logo, thoughts?

Posted on 10 July '11 by , under drawings. 1 Comment.

on a hill

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The Hill

Posted on 8 July '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.


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Posted on 26 June '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.

lights, camera, inaction

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lights camera inaction

Posted on 23 April '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.