Hello and welcome to beautiful garbage.

lights, camera, inaction

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lights camera inaction

Posted on 23 April '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.

a few links…

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here are a few articles I found searching google that I thought might be a good reference for us. let me know if you think we should look around for more like this

A Garbage Man: The Greatest Job I’ve Ever Had.

A day in the life of a garbage man.

Dirty Jobs: A Day in the Life of a Garbage Man.

Posted on 19 April '11 by , under links. No Comments.

apple & worm

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another drawing of the worm & apple romance.

Posted on 12 April '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.

wizard #2

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version two of the wizard character seen here.

Posted on 8 April '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.

tug of trash

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tug of trash

brian and gregg fighting over a bag of trash

Posted on 8 April '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.

pitching it

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Posted on 6 April '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.

the apple & the worm

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the apple & the worm

keep an eye out for these two in the brian and gregg are going places world.

Posted on 6 April '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.


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a garbage man looking foolish. Also there’s a dog in there.

Posted on 6 April '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.

rear end of a garbage truck

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ass end of a garbage truck

Posted on 6 April '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.

on the job

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working hard


Posted on 5 April '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.