Hello and welcome to beautiful garbage.

tug of trash

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tug of trash

brian and gregg fighting over a bag of trash

Posted on 8 April '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.

the apple & the worm

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the apple & the worm

keep an eye out for these two in the brian and gregg are going places world.

Posted on 6 April '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.


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a garbage man looking foolish. Also there’s a dog in there.

Posted on 6 April '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.


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not really sure who this character is supposed to be, but most likely one of brian and gregg’s co-workers.

Posted on 6 April '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.

beatles gregg

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beatles gregg

a drawing of gregg with a more beatles look.

Posted on 6 April '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.

rear end of a garbage truck

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ass end of a garbage truck

Posted on 6 April '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.

a dad possibly

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possible design for brian or gregg’s dad

Posted on 5 April '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.

brian and gregg’s boss

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Posted on 5 April '11 by , under drawings. No Comments.

early brian drawing

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an early version of Brian from “brian and gregg are going place.” 1/6/11

Posted on 5 April '11 by , under drawings, Uncategorized. No Comments.